Great Horned Owl GOLD Package: Safety Meetings, Accident Packets, Safety Coaching, D.S.P.S. ,WORKERS COMP & TTT - TRAIN THE TRAINER CLASS

Great Horned Owl GOLD Package: Great Horned Owl Package + WORKERS COMP

Employees  A week 

1-15              $250.00 

16-30            $275.00 

31-50            $325.00 

51-75            $375.00 

76-100          $475.00 

100-125         $525.00 

126-140         $575.00 

141-160          $625.00 

161-180          $675.00 

181-200         $725.00 

201+ Contact G.O. for pricing 

Own multiple businesses? Get $25 off per company added 

Referral Program: Get one WEEK FREE when your referral signs up for services. Discount will be taken off once that client has paid start up fees

12 Safety Meetings: Includes (1 meeting per month / Chance for the State to approve and you’ll get a 5% discount off your insurance premium) To obtain the safety credit there must be a certified safety committee present and the committee must have 6 months of documented meetings and agendas at the time of applying for the credit. If it is a new committee the application is to be submitted between 30-60 days prior to their renewal date. Example. Policy renewal date of January 1. The Certified Safety Committee would need to have been in existence with minutes and agendas starting at the latest in May. Again the key is to have 6 months of documented meetings prior to applying. Once the committee starts they cannot miss any monthly meetings. QR Code (Goes in all fleets) Guardian Owl will create the meetings each month. Gets posted on FORM, your employees will be able to scan QR code and complete safety meetings in just a few minutes PA State requires a committee Requires one manager and two employees OR two managers and three employees. PA State requires more employees than managers on the committee. Committee job details Attend a brief meeting to get certified (Will be a one time certification for the current year) Each month will be asked to share any concerns the employees may have for safety to Guardian Owl. When the Safety meeting is posted to the QR Form, the members of the committee need to make sure employees complete. Accident Packets: Includes QR Code (Goes in all fleets) Accident Packet FORM When an accident occurs: You will receive the Accident Packet (PDF) & photos via eMail from Guardian Owl. I will contact the other vehicle owner or homeowner if there is property damage and I will go over the steps with them. I will ask them to get an estimate of a body shop or contractor if it’s a property damage of their choice. The body shop or contractor must send Guardian Owl an invoice of the estimated repairs. Once an estimate is given, it will get forwarded to you and we can help consult on the next steps for you. Safety Coaching for your fleet devices. Driver Score Point System: D.S.P.S. Each coaching behavior comes with points that can lead to a suspension with no pay. More information available upon request. You will get a spreadsheet of all your drivers showing each driver's score and what points they may have gotten. Each year all employees will go back to zero score. Workers Comp Package: (WC) 1st Injury Report FORM: QR Code (Goes in all fleets) Workers’ Comp Insurance Panel will be posted in your first injury report form I will need permission from you to contact your insurance provider to provide this service. When an employee gets injured they scan the QR code to complete FORM Once completed, the form will be e-mailed to your Owner/BC If approved it will be submitted to your Workers’ Comp insurance If needed they go to the In Network Urgent care on your panel Guardian Owl will be communicating with your Workers’ Comp Insurance representative to make sure they are handling your claim right, and to ensure that they are updating you on the status of the claim. Guardian Owl will try to do everything possible to help get your employee back to full duties. All work is documented for your own records on each worker's comp case. Once a case is closed, you will get a PDF sent to you for your records. Includes the set up package and building your 1st Injury Report FORM Guardian Owl will keep you updated on the status of the claim throughout. This process for Workers’ Comp can help with your premium to lower your end of year state fees with Workers’ Comp. If the employee is going to be on Workers’ Comp for 4 weeks or more, Guardian Owl recommends enrolling the employee in ReEmployAbility PROGRAM. “We help injured or disabled employees get back to meaningful work with nonprofit organizations while they recover.” For more information on Guardian Owl will work with ReEmployAbility on getting that employee back to full duty work for you ASAP. Having a nonprofit organization for recovery in place will cut back on having employees going on Workers’ Comp for minor injuries. The employee will also want to get back to full duty ASAP as well. Guardian Owl will submit the form to enroll the employee in ReEmployAbility PROGRAM. Client is responsible to pay the $895 per employee One time fee who enters the program via business check for ReEmployAbility. (Up to 6 months) $495 if an employee is a No show with a free reschedule.

TTT - Train The Trainer Guardian Owl Class / Class Room, Driving Range & On The Road - Unlimited Enrollments with this Package